Get to know: 47GiNO & Lil Negative

Explain who you are for those who may not know

(47GiNO) im a 16 year old talented artist going crazy

(Lil Negative) I’m a 19 year old artist and producer who love going crazy on music. Currently on house arrest.

Where are you from? 

(47GiNO) South Florida

(Lil Negative) I am also from south Florida but born in an army base in North Carolina.

How did you get your start in music?

(47GiNO) i Started when I was 13 just doing Freestyles in the car with my boys then took it serious at 15

(Lil Negative) I’ve always had a love for music since I was little and felt like if I started I could also do it like the people I was a fan of, if not better. So I began and been going crazy ever since.

How long have you been making it?

(47GiNO) 9 months

(Lil Negative) I been making music since I was little, about 8 or 9 but started dropping music when I was 14 or 15 but started taking it serious about 7 months ago.

Who are your influences?

(47GiNO) Young Thug , Gucci, Tupac , lil uzi , future, meek mill, & Myself

(Lil Negative) Gucci, Lil Wayne, Eminem, Bob Marley, definitely Michael Jackson, and young thug

What motivates you?

(47GiNO) My family & my love for music in general

(Lil Negative) I just love music, feel like I got something new to offer to music all together, but my family is also a big motivation. Want to get them out of all their current situations.

What are you currently working on?

(47GiNO) A project with lil Negative called “33+47” with 6 tracks

(Lil Negative) We got this “33+47” project coming August 19. I’m also finishing my “Nightmare In South Florida” project.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 

(47GiNO) Have my own label & Also my own brand and you know poping bottles with models

(Lil Negative) Richer than a bitch in a mansion fucking shit up dropping even crazier music and hopefully off a probation.

What is your opinion on the current hiphop scene?

(47GiNO) i respect everyone doing what they gotta do to get that bag and support there family & kids

(Lil Negative) I love the direction music is going currently, hip hop as a genre is evolving every day and this direction is looking great. There’s a reason that rap became the biggest genre in the world.

Anything else you would like to say?

(47GiNO) Only going up from here all gas no breaks. 47 wayy take over!!

(Lil Negative) Don’t sleep and if you are, wake the fuck up cuz i’m about to be all over, no cap.

Instagram -@47.gino

Twitter – @47GiN0

Spotify –

Instagram: @lilnegative

Twitter: @lilnegative




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