Jew-Buh Responds To Wale Saying He Cant Be On His Album


Have you ever tweeted your favorite rapper, hoping for a response? Jew-Buh has. He actually asked Wale if he could feature on his new album but Wale wasn’t feeling it. We got a chance to sit down with Jew-Buh and get more info on what exactly happened. Check it out below and be sure to listen to his official response track. 

How’s everything been with you?

Been working on my Album since the last time we linked up man. Working hard to make sure it’s perfect as it can get. As an independent artist you have to do everything so that’s what I’ve been doing.

What’s going on with new music?

I just dropped F**k Luv as a lead to my album last week. The album is DONE and will be available everywhere on I-Tunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal and all streaming sites August 17th. Pre-Order is available now on I-Tunes.

Earlier this year you asked Wale to be on his album and he actually responded. Did you expect that?

It was the craziest thing. Wale is one of my favorite artists. Been listening to him since Nike Boots. I got off work late night and I seen him tweet and i was like let me shoot my shot. I didn’t expect anything at all but he responded and i was shook!

Do you think he should have given you a chance?

As a fellow Nigerian brother of course. I know how it is though. Everyone has a fee. You have to pay for people’s time. He’s just someone I looked up to so i thought it was random enough for him to say yes..he curved me in the most humble way “Na. Bless up tho king.”

Did it make you lose respect for him as an artist?

I was hurt at first tbh because this wasn’t my first rodeo. Wale has responded to me on twitter on 3 separate occasions. He’s real engaging on twitter which I respect. I was in class and my phone was blowing up and my friend tagged me underneath Baller Alert’s IG post. This was the first time I truly got support from people that know me saying “You next”. It was a bittersweet moment cause people started realizing I actually make music when i been promoting myself for almost a year.

At the end of the day it was a blessing in disguise though because I got a bunch of support from randoms and gained some fans from it. 35,000 people were creeping my IG man it was crazy!

Do you think you could have killed him on his own song? 

Wale is Rap’s finest. He is the best lyricist in the game. He gets overlooked because his bars go over to many heads. It takes years for listeners to understand. A rap genius if you will. If we ever did a song though I’d try to match his poetic genius. I have a response to him though called “Bless Up King” Coming Out Tuesday. He will appreciate the wordplay 😁

What’s next for you?

I’m working on my next couple projects. Haven’t decided what’s next but for sure I’m still trying to build my fan base. I’m in school still so I guess you can call me a Part-Time Rapper.

Anything else you would like to say?

My Debut album Rich in $pirit is dropping August 17th! I’m the next BIG THING. Coming straight out of Houston, TX. Much LOVE 🏃🏿‍♂️💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨

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