Park Bench by SEEALLHUES

Today we bring you a dope HipHop artist by the name of Siul Hughes. Don’t compare him to anyone else in the game, he is in a lane of his own. A mix of dope lyrics and smooth flows, “Park Bench” is a dope concept and a clean visual. Siul is building his foundation. 
Siul Hughes (often stylized as See All Hues) is an emcee from Bridgeport, Connecticut whose elevated lyrical perspective has helped bring him noted acclaim from his peers. In 2013, Hughes self-released his solo debut studio album entitled “Lastname, Hughes: The LP”, receiving authentic local notoriety from his live performance over the next few years, as well as being featured in the Connecticut Fauxchella Indie Music Festival (2014), SXSW Music Festival (2016), and the International Trinity Hip Hop Festival (2017).
Hughes’ released “The Book of IZA”, his follow-up to “Lastname, Hughes”, on September 15, 2016. The 20-track album is accompanied by a book of poetry of the same title, marking Hughes’ debut transition from performing artist to published author. The Book of IZA is currently available in all digital retail stores.

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