Artist To Watch: Fendi Messiah aka Fendi Tha Don


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Explain who you are for those who don’t know
Fendi Messiah or Fendi Tha Don

How did you come up with your name?
Messiah and Tha Don comes from being a leader, being able to think for myself

Where are you from?
Palm Beach, FL

Whats it like growing up where your from?
It’s different for everybody, you have the rich part of the city, the suburbs, then the urban parts. I grew up in the projects of one of the urban spots. We call it the white house reason being if you grew up in a projects you know all the walls white no locks on the doors. Any projects you gonna grow up seeing and being around shit

How did you get into music?
Started off being fun in middle school

What makes you different than other artists?

What are you currently working on?
Just working, have a project I’m sitting on right now

Anything you would like to say?
Thank you HHR, Follow me on IG @FendiMessiah

IG @FendiMessiah

Facebook @FendiMessiah

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