Get to know: Clif

Clif is a artist from North Carolina who expresses his thoughts on each track he get’s on. He likes to describe his work as being completed in a poetically soulful rhythm.


” I like to express my thoughts of the now, in the now. I generally resort to thoughts on the purpose of creation, and the magnificent and limitless brilliance of it. I acknowledge God as my spiritual Savior, Father, and Lord, and his incarnation in Christ Jesus. There’s a sense of humility, reflection, and upliftment expressed in my work. What I want to get across to the audience is, although life at times can get overwhelming, and under assuring, it is possible to find adequacy in resting in God’s divine favor & purpose for your creation. ”  

The work is soulfully original. A sound in form of poetry that brings a positive awareness to you as you listen. 

Stream his music here

IG: _Clif__
FB: Clif Bostick
ReverbNation: Clif
Twitter:@ __Clif_

Stay tuned 

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