Get to know: Hambik A’shot


Explain who you are for those who don’t know
This is Hambik A’shot a mainly active in rap/hip hop  genre.
but also making EDM music as well.

How did you come up with your name? 
since it’s a duo we just went with our first names. Hambik and Ashot, but A’shot sounds cool you know (like one shot) !

Where are you from? 
Hambik born in Iran , Ashot has born in Armenia. But both are from Armenian families

Whats it like growing up where your from?
Also being christian/Armenian in Islamic Iran is difficult, you need to deal with different religious and race issues everyday. Also there are a lots of ristriction in Iran like there’s no youtube, Facebook and etc… International Hip-hop culture is very restricted in both counteries Iran and Armenia. Knowledge of English is poor aswell.
So it wasn’t so easy to get into hip-hop specially in English for us.

How did you get into music?
Ashot started to play piano at age 7 and from age 15 started to produce music and now he is studying classical piano in conservatory.
He was inspired to produce by international dj’s works like David Guetta and  Deadmau5. Hambik also  was in to music since he was a kid and he is graduated classic vocal in conservatory but since he always had passion for hiphop/rap he chose to be a hiphop artist, inspired by Eminem and chamillionaire.

What makes you different than other artists?
First of all we are absolutely different from rest of our country’s local artists. And we are not from states and never visited there too, but wer’e trying to make quality music. Also the biggest strugle we have is local people doesn’t listons to hiphop specially new school so we need to target outside of the country, which makes it more difficult.

What are you currently working on?
Currently we are working on our new and first album.

Anything you would like to say? 
We really would like to get comments and feedbacks from real rap listeners. It will deffinately make us grow better.

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