Get to know: Havana Seoul


How did you come up with your name?

My name is Havana Seoul. It’s a name in homage to my culture and family. My mom is Korean and Black and she was born in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. My dad is Cuban and Black and most of his family fled Fidel Castro, hence Havana. Seoul also has a double meaning. When you drop the “e”, it becomes “soul” and that in itself is a nod to being Black in America. A young nigga got soul in my veins, soul in my ancestry.

Where are you from?

I’m from PG County, Maryland. It’s a suburb and probably, the most famous suburb of the DC Metropolitan. I’m from the DMV, the 3-0 Whop, the Southside, whatever the kids are calling it these days.

What was it like growing up where your from?

Growing up in PG County provided me a lot of opportunities. It allowed me to see the whole spectrum of Blackness in America. It’s known as the most affluent Black county in the country. So there’s a high concentration of Black professionals and Black wealth. To be honest, I grew up like a Huxtable or something. Private school, traveled all over the World as a kid. But, I was always close to the city. In and out of the mix. It’s a weird dichotomy, but one I’m thankful to have experienced.

How did you get into music?

I was always a huge music fan. I remember recording myself on cassettes as a kid, always playing with instrumentals and all that. But, I got into music by way of poetry. I used to write a lot, my cadence was really fast and rhythmic people told me I should rap. So by the time I got to college I had started making music casually. I progressively got more serious about it recently.

What makes you different than other artists?

Off bucks, I’m different than most artists because I’m telling a story most people are afraid to tell. Most artists are afraid to admit that they didn’t grow up smack in the hood or that they went to private schools, and were treated like college wasn’t optional. I know that’s not everybody’s situation, but I also know that I’m not the only one. I just sound like where I’m from, like my experiences.

What are you currently working on?

I’m currently working on a project due out later this Summer. It’s pretty much in the final mixing stages. At 12 tracks, it’s the longest body of work I’ve ever worked on. I’m really excited for it and extremely grateful to my production team for making everything come to life.

Anything you would like to say? 

You can keep up with me on Twitter and Instagram @miyungYUMM. You can also find me on Soundcloud at Havana Seoul

Stay tuned 

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