Get to know: OB



Explain who you are for those who don’t know?

For those out there that haven’t heard of my name yet, it’s OB. Like O-B, simplistic right? When I moved to Orlando, a lot of people I came across had a hard time saying Rohan, and they started calling me Ro. I like Ro too, but I decided that I can make it biblical in a sense. So I said, I’ll make my stage name OB in short for Obadiah.

Where did you grow up?

I come from the Garden State, and more specifically “The Queen City” Plainfield, NJ. As I stated earlier, I moved to Orlando to further my college education at UCF. Growing up in Plainfield was type rough. Yeah I wasn’t roaming the hood but I was always a different person. My frequency was so different so it was hard to have people stick. I was a pretty decent athlete back in high school and it paved the way for other successes. Kid with good grades but still made teachers nervous. Had to deal with fights, gun violence, niggas getting stabbed, and slapped to sleep, metal detectors at the entrance of my high school. I just thank god, I played life well so far and can live to see another day.

How did you get into music?

I’ve been interested in rapping since freshman year in high school, I used to be in a rap group and my boy was named G money, I can’t even remember what I called myself shit wasn’t serious back then. As I went through school I put it on the back burner because of sports. But college sparked my interest all the way back up.

What makes you different from other artists?

I’m completely different from any other artist based off of my story alone. Growing up with no cable and ramen noodles seemed typical, but it’s the story behind it all, the trials and tribulations that made me go to music as a scapegoat. Then I started thinking, it was time for me to start doing what these other guys were out here doing, and start making a profit so my Ma could get out the hood.

What are you working on?

I’m currently working on an Introductory EP, about 8 songs. Im working night in and night out to produce the beats myself. It’s gonna be called “Garden State Kid.” It’s really about the come up for me in this music game and how I progressed from a one dimensional optimist, to a more versatile visionary artist.

Anything else you would like to say?

Shout out to god first and foremost, and my fam up in the Garden still pushin, we gon be straight one day, my niggas down here doing this shit with me. Doja Paxx, and Fiji Voss, without these two, my motivation would be harder to keep up, we push each other in the studio and classroom everyday, and being a student-artist, we make it look easy sometimes. Be on the lookout for they come up too. Paxx releasing “WYD” on iTunes Monday July 10th, it slides.

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