Get to know: Price Leezy


Explain who you are for those who don’t know

Price Leezy .. Independent Artist…All About The Paper

How did you come up with your name?

My Homeboy Gave Me My Name.

Where are you from?

North Carolina

Whats it like growing up where your from?

It’s Country..I’m from the gutta under the gutta…Where if you ain’t got no hustle you pretty much bummed…Our main Focus where I’m from is to get as much money as possible and move to a place better…Ain’t no opportunity where I’m from…You gotta make opportunity.

How did you get into music?

Ive always loved music.

What makes you different than other artists?

Everybody is different..I really don’t like comparing myself to nobody…I be myself..So I guess If an artist isn’t being hisself than that makes me different..

What are you currently working on?

Currently working on my new mixtape. “Super Finesser”..

Twitter @PriceLeezy
Instagram @PriceLeezy252

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