Indy Spotlight: Chaz Indigo


Explain who you are for those who don’t know
Im Chaz Indigo, a rapper based on duality . I grew up down south and up north so I have both styles fused into my music. And I also see myself as an ignorant intellectual. Some one who is ready to reason but will also get down to the gritty if necessary . And fuck the government

How did you come up with your name?
My real name is Zach ,so Chaz is basically Zach backwards

Where are you from?
im from orange New Jersey,from a section called the valley . And I also grew up in broward county Florida,shouts to all my deep side and Coral Springs niggas

Whats it like growing up where your from?
Regular hood shit,you know . Nothin too crazy but it’s definitely not a walk in the park . Niggas get stabbed and shot everyday so u gotta stay aware of your surroundings growing up

How did you get into music?
My mom used to work at badboy when I was young . So I seen a lot of stars growing up,Biggie,black rob,even Puffy . I saw how they was living and effect people with just words . I was instantly hooked from a young age

What makes you different than other artists?
My authenticity, I’ve always felt like it’s hard to compare me to other artists because I just do my own thing . I tend to go against the norm and trends because that’s how you get lost in the sauce

What are you currently working on?
Right now I have some singles lined up that I’m gna drop before my next EP . But the most important thing is my album called P.I.M.P. (Paper In My Pocket) that I’m planning to release before the year ends,I have some real bangers on there and that will be my first full studio album available for purchase.

Anything you would like to say? 
I just dropped some new visuals on YouTube,everyone go check that out and more new music coming real soon !

Twitter: @ChazIndigo
Instagram: HighImChaz

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