Indy Spotlight: Evan James


Explain who you are for those who don’t know
I’m Evan James, I’m a 19 year old hip hop artist. Just a regular dude who hangs with his homies, honestly. Oh and i love baseball, if you don’t get with it. if your not with it, your missing out!

How did you come up with your name?
It’s my first and middle name, pretty simple, which how i like to keep things. I always remember growing up, actually even to this day, when i say something inappropriate my mom always would say “Evan James” so its pretty funny too.

Where are you from?
Irving Texas, its about 5 or 10 minutes west of Dallas.

Whats it like growing up where your from?
Irving is very diverse, all type of people stay over here which I am very thankful for. There isn’t much to do but if you are with a group of friends or whatever and just kickin it it’s a nice spot for sure. But the mall is pretty whack to be completely real so thats trash.

How did you get into music?
Growing up I was exposed to a lot of music from my uncles and my entire dad’s side of the family. My dad is 1 kid of 12 so the family is huge and they were always listening to classic rock and modern rock and stuff like that so i would hear a lot of that stuff. People like Tom Petty, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, the Eagles, stuff like that. But at the same time my older siblings and older cousins and some of my uncles would be putting me on to some dope hip hop stuff. When I was like 6 I was spitting Outkast in 1st grade cause of those people. Shout out 3k man, he’s top 3 all time.

What makes you different than other artists?
I feel like I am completely honest with myself when making music which, to me, a lot of people lack. Im gonna make music that i want to make at that certain time, which is why you’ll see on a lot of my music when it drops, you get multiple and all different vibes of Evan James. Its the same dude just tapping into every emotion and experience and not putting on a costume for the listeners. Basically i truly am myself when making music. And Im focusing on making a connection with the listener instead of just giving them a product, the more people know about me and the more i put myself out there the more people can attach to me.

What are you currently working on?
I’ve been stacking up music for some months now, I got my debut mixtape 812 basically done just have to wrap up some things but there is no date for the mixtape drop. I just want to focus on building a connection and getting my name out there before dropping the tape, but its ready to go.

Anything you would like to say?
Get at me on social media, go check out my music video for Nutty and go and tell your friends. And stay tuned for the latest drops by me

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