Indy Spotlight: Lil Toddie

Today we shine a spotlight on a dope new upcoming artist that goes by the name of Lil Toddie.

Check out his bio and music below:


Lil Toddie is a rising rapper out of New Jersey, who, as we’ve seen with other East Coasters is pulling from Atlanta and Chicago sounds. His music is darker and heavier than any of the aforementioned artists, going for some gritty, uncompromising street music that doesn’t hint at crossover appeal. While not an entirely new sound, he does it with a precision that demands attention. He has been gaining a lot of attention this past year with opening up for Dave East, being on Dinner lands #NewMusicMonday, and Scottie Beam from HOT97 #PutyouonPlaylist.

He brings a quality to the rap game that although feels very ” down south” has a distinct NJ sound that we haven’t seen in a while.

Stream more music via Soundcloud:

Follow on Twitter: @LilToddie5

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