Indy Spotlight: MG Nightmare

Tonight we bring you a new artist that goes by MG Nightmare.

We recently got the chance to sit down and conduct a Q&A with him. Get to know more about him below 


Explain who you are for those who don’t know
My name is MG Nightmare or Nightmare for short.

How did you come up with your name?
Well the MG stands for many things but Money Getting stuck.
Nightmare was a name given to me for high school football (Along with Other things I don’t like to mention)

Where are you from?
I’m originally from Chicago’s Southside (wild 100s)

Whats it like growing up where your from?
It can be tough and rough but if you mind your business and stay in your lane you can live without problems.

How did you get into music?
Well long story put short tragedy.
I was almost murdered.
But thank God I wasn’t
I was told I had a 20% chance to ever walk again. I couldn’t play football ever again cause of a neck injury so I turned to music as a hobby and it turned into passion.

What makes you different than other artists
What makes me different than other artists is that I’m never scared to try a new sound. After I went broke on buying beats I had to learn how to produce myself. In that process I had the opportunity to work with Rico Recklezz, my best friend since childhood and day zero homie TJ Hookz along with MBAM Mazzi and the list can go on.

What are you currently working on
As of right now I’m currently working on my next project which is called In My own World. This project has production from myself as well as Timmy da Hitman, 808 Mafia and possibly more. I’m also working on a joint project with TJ Hookz along with Producing his whole next Project titled The Third Chapter.

Anything you would like to say?
Yes I have to shout out everyone that’s behind me with support. I also have to show love to TJ Hookz and Ronny Bangz those two are the reason my sound is crisp. I can’t forget my Stylist Mubu KC of Foreign Panda for making sure I’m in some of the most original and freshest clothing. Can’t forget Rico Recklezz and MBAM Mazzi for always hitting me up for production.

Stream Nightmare’s new project “HYBRID” via Spinrilla:

Follow on Twitter: @NightmareSoundz


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