Indy Spotlight: Ray NORTH


Explain who you are for those who may not know
Im Ray NORTH  for those who dont know im a rapper / producer from Union, New Jersey. Im 22 years old and been putting out music for almost two years now.

How did you come up with your name?
I came up with name a while ago. My last name is Raymond so a lot of people call me Ray or Raymond so i just kept that and i put the north there cause im from the north part of New Jersey

Where are you from?
Im from Union New Jersey I was raised my earlier years in Irvington tho

Whats it like growing up there?
In Irvington growing up its pretty rough but I always was a stay out the way type of person. Its an extension of Newark pretty much. Union on the other hand a pretty good town. its quite but it can get crazy there too.

How did you get into music?
I grew up in a music home. My dad had a crazy record collection and i lived with my older cousins all they did was listen to music and watch like TRL and 106 & Park. Thats where my love of music came from I started really rapping and writing and stuff when i was at 17. I really started releasing and taking music serious career wise about a year and a half ago once i started producing with my boy R.O.$.S and we started creating a different sound from where we from.

What makes you different?
I think just being original and having original production. Me and R.O.$.S produce everything so we able to really dictate the sound we want

What are you working on?
Im working on a Project its gonna be dope like a turn up playlist its like 50 percent done

Anything else you would like to say?
I just wanna say my single “Function” out right now on soundcloud and youtube go check it out and support and thanks for everyone who is supporting

(@rayNORTh_) | Twitter

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