

JOULE$, born in El Salvador but currently residing in Texas drops off his new debut album “OSIRIS” with a total of 11 bangers to listen to! A brand new ALBUM fresh out the pot, literally, for you to bless your ears and the world with. This album truly maps the Salvadoran artist progression and talent to date. Everything about this project is absolutely unique and mind boggling I encourage any listener to take this journey and more importantly to dig deeper into the artists discography. Some producers on this project include MANITEE (@robertdingus), SHAMANA (@shamanabeats) & VAGUE (@vague003) all very well known producers from different corners of the world.

This is a very dope project. The artist’s passion leaks on each track. Don’t catch yourself sleeping 


iTUNES: https://itun.es/us/IZtBhb
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/album/0Sun5VZH8nL1MHegKX0SiH
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/joulesofficial/sets/osirisalbum
BANDCAMP: https://imjoules.bandcamp.com/album/osiris


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