How did you come up with your name?
“When I was younger I would always make nicknames for myself because I hated my real name. The reason I hated my real name was because people would always get it wrong, or laugh when somebody tried to pronounce it including teachers. In the beginning I had five different nicknames for myself Kidflow, JFaro, Pablo, Sim Simma, and my managers name Kizer. Later on I decided my name fits me the best because of how rare it is.”
Where are you from?
“I am from Columbia, South Carolina.”
Whats it like growing up where your from?
“For me growing up in South Carolina wasn’t ever easy. I grew up around grimy people that would use me so they could reach another level while I was stuck trying to get where I wanted to be.”
How did you get into music?
“I got into music by listening to older artist like The Last Poets, Lauryn Hill, The Young Kanye, and my favorite OutKast. Hearing them make music help me understand that you don’t need a beat with a lot of base to make it. It’s about how you sound and the wordplay.”
What makes you different than other artists?
“What makes me different from other artist is that I fill like I’m not only making this for people to hear but I’m making this for the future me to hear the progress and how much I have evolved from now to how I will be in the future.”
What are you currently working on?
“I am currently working on my next song “How You Feel” I can’t go into detail about it, but it will be the 3rd song on the tape and it will be a single. “MiDSUMmeRniGHtDrEaMs *Intro” is just the warm up”
Anything you would like to say?
“”MiDSUMmeRniGHtDrEaMs *Intro” will have a sequel to it, it won’t be just a one time thing. I would also like to thank my brothers Micah, and Maliik. Amadeo, Brandon, Brian, Darius, Dachaun, Javon, and the 1st Tribe Crew.”