Today we bring you a brand new track featuring JB Bin Laden x Chaboki.
Chaboki, a has worked with, Chief Keef, Riff Raff, Fat Trel, Rondonumbanine, Fat Nick, Fredo Santana, L’A Capone, Robin Banks, Prince Dre, Tay600, Gmebe Bandz, Jb Binladen, Prince Dre, O Block Ocho, Vonmar, Lil Flash and more. Jb has a similar resume, JB Bin Laden is from 71rst and King Drive in Chicago, Illinois. JB Bin Laden’s name was given to him by late Chicago rapper L’A Capone. In an inteview Hip Hops Revival, JB Bin Laden claim he started after L’A Capone’s murder.