Tamani Joy – Ryder ft. JustJosh

New video release from Tamani Joy titled “Ryder” ft. JustJosh out now! Stream it below and read our exclusive Q&A with Tamani when your done. 

Explain who you are for those who don’t know?

My name is Tamani Joy, I’m a 22-year-old artist from Baltimore, MD. My influences range between genres, Indie, R&B, Rock and my strongest being Hip-Hop.

How did you come up with your name?

Just as I got comfortable with my previous moniker Zzleepy, it hit me “Tamani Joy.” It’s a combination of my First, Middle and Last name. I felt that the music I was beginning to create was a lot more personal than before, my previous name didn’t necessarily represent much but a metaphor for being high.

Where are you from?
Born and raised in Baltimore, MD

What’s it like growing up where your from?
Baltimore is a small city the East isn’t far from West and everyone knows each other. Good or bad it seems like there’s always something going on. For me I just stay out the way if I’m not working on something at home or at the studio, you’ll likely find me in the backwoods somewhere. As far as the music scene goes we’ve been bubbling a bit and there’s a lot of talent that everyone will soon see.

How did you get into music?

Early on my dad always tried to get me to play drums so that may have been the start. Though, once I really started to get my own ear for music it was easy for me to get started. My early recordings were on a Playstation Eye microphone over whatever instrumentals I could find of my favorite songs. I’d be the first to say I was trash then but I had a drive that allowed me to keep growing to where I am now

What makes you different from other artist?

I feel like I have a different approach with my music especially in a time where not much is said anymore, or the same content and theme is repeated from artist to artist. I find it necessary to have a purpose in my music. While some song are fun and light-hearted I’d like to show you the darker side as well.

What are you currently working on?

At the moment I’m not focused on a particular project but I keep creating, learning and experimenting with new sounds. Striving to push me further every session and every song. I’d like to release 2 EPs throughout the year, I already have a gang of singles ready as well so there could be something dropping before you know it.

Anything you would like to say?

Look out for more from myself & the homies we’ve been working hard and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon! Much more to come for updates follow the Twitter, Instagram, Fanburst, YouTube or anything Tamani Joy, share with a friend, give feedback, all support is appreciated and enjoy


Stay tuned 


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