Get to know: Linskey


Linksey is a new artist from Boston who is working on becoming the greatest he can be. We got a chance to chop it up with him and talk about his motivations behind music, whats next for him, and more. Check it out below 

Explain who you are for those who may not know

I’m Linskey, a well known barber out of the Boston area and I have been producing/rapping/engineering for a while now also

Where you from?

I’m from Boston, Ma

How did you get your start in music?

I’ve always been rapping and writing rhymes my whole life, and would watch a lot of interviews when I came across producers making beats on Fl studio. I immediately downloaded the software and started messing around with producing beats

How long have you been making it?

I’ve been at the music for 2-3 years now, which doesn’t seem like long but I’ve put in a lot of hours daily and made the most of these years progressing to be a better artist

Who are your influences?

I grew up loving Akon, T-Pain, Chris Brown, and also listened to a lot of Jay z, Tupac, Nas. Currently I listen to a lot of Drake’s older music, Nav, Gunna, etc.

What motivates you?

What motivates me is the feeling of doing what I want to do and not giving a f*** what someone says because I’m successful doing it. My first passion was to be a successful barber and I made my dream a reality so there’s nothing anyone can tell me that would stop be from chasing the life I want

What are you currently working on?

I have an album planned for late June, exact date isn’t confirmed but it will be soon on all of my social media. Also have a follow up EP to our first project with another dope artist named Essence out of Boston also, make sure to check that out on my soundcloud.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself wherever god takes me. I worry about doing what’s right daily and he takes me where I deserve to go.

What is your opinion on the current hiphop scene?

I completely respect the new wave of rap, but I do feel simplicity is too much of the norm. Some of these beats sound like beats I made a month into downloading the FL studio demo, and some of these bars are the same you hear in every other song. I feel like it’s raps disco era. It’s about the vibe not the content

Anything else you would like to say?

Make sure to follow my IG Linskey97, Twitter @alinskey97 and my soundcloud. link to SoundCloud in both bios. Thank you to hiphopsrevival for the shoutout and the interview and there will be plenty plenty plenty of good quality music coming your way from this side

Ig: linskey97 

Twitter: alinskey97

Soundcloud: Linskey 

Snapchat: linskeyscuts97

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