We recently chopped it up with Detroit artist MCXI about who he is, what he represents, and more. Check out the full Q&A below and be sure to follow his movement
Explain who you are for those who may not know
I am MCXI a metro Detroit hip-hop artist. The name is pronounced (M C X I) and it is a roman numeral representation of a date that changed my life.
What do you do?
I am an upcoming hip-hip lyricist, rapper, songwriter, and artist.
How long have you been doing it?
At the age of fourteen, I encountered a mutual friend who introduced me to my first ever studio experience. Immediately, I fell in love with the experience even just in observing what roles certain people have and the creativity behind what each individual was doing.
Where you from?
Metro-Detroit, Michigan
What was it like growing up there?
There is a misconception of the metro-Detroit area, however I still view it as an opportunistic area to live, and am extremely grateful for growing up in that environment.
Where do you find your motivation?
Growing up in a single parent home, things weren’t as easy for me in comparison to the people I was surrounded by. Because those circumstances were different, I used that to fuel me and be the leading motivational factor in pursuing a music career.
Who are your influences?
At a very early age I was introduced to the works of the late and greats like the Notorious BIG and Tupac Shakur. Although, being born in the 90’s I grew up on a lot of the early music that came in the 2000’s. ex. (Lil Wayne, Eminem, 50 Cent)
What are you working on?
Currently, I am working on building a brand by expanding my fan base as much as possible.
What’s next for you?
I am constantly working on new music and staying in the studio as much as possible. I will be releasing more music soon and will be focusing on putting together and EP.
Anything else you would like to say?
I am always looking out for local artists within my genre to open up for. I also want to thank everyone who is supportive of me and my music.
Facebook: @mcximusic
Twitter: @mcximusic
Instagram: @mcximusic
Snapchat: @mcximusic
Triller: @mcximusic
Tik Tok: @mcximusic