Get to know: Splishtopher

Explain who you are for those who may not know

Christopher Sanders aka “Splishtopher” is a entrepreneur, music executive, A&R and a hustler/finesser who came from nothing and earned everything he has. No hand outs were ever given to me.

Where you from? 

Well I was born in San Jose, California but I live in Hollywood now.

How did you get your start in music?

Basically got my first start when I opened my own studio, thats when the dots started to connect.

How long have you been making it?

Shit I havent made it yet but I been grinding for a few years now! Things are finally falling into place, hard works paying off, ya dig?

Who are your influences?

Suge Knight and Gary Vee

What motivates you?

My boo motivates me alot everyday she sends me quotes and positive messages that keep me focused.

What are you currently working on? 

Creating a App and starting my own company. I can’t speak on all of my future moves or ideas right now. Just know I’m working baby!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself married with a little family, owning a crib in the hills and being a CEO boss of my own successful powerhouse.

What is your opinion on the current hiphop scene? 

Krazy. One thing about the hiphop scene is that it will always be the same. It’s all about hot and young talent.

Anything else you would like to say? 

Stay low stack high. Free all my niggas Rip to the homies 1 love

Follow on IG @Splishtopher

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