Get to know: Trevonchii

Trevonchii is a new artist from Forth Worth, TX. We got a chance to chop it up with him and get to know a little more about the man behind the music. Check it out below 

Explain who you are for those who may not know 

Trevonchii aka vonchi aka nigg

Where you from? 

Fort Worth tx

How did you get your start in music?

Man it started with drumming on pots and pans then I ended up playing the French horn in middle school. Going into high school couldn’t play sports and band so I choose sports.

How long have you been making it?

Like actually taking it seriously almost a yr now

Who are your influences?

Life influences definitely my mom and Mimi

What motivates you?

Being happy, I mean what’s money and success without being happy and content with yourself ya know.

What are you currently working on? 

Atm I’m gearing up for my video for Wtp which has gotten me hella fans. People really fw the kid man

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Building a legacy for my kids and family to eat off of.

What is your opinion on the current hiphop scene? 

I love it man. People say it’s washed up which in a sense I could agree but the numbers are saying something else. Music is art so it’s just another way of expressing yourself. So the fact that pretty much anybody can make music now a days just shows diversity the rap game has come too.

Anything else you would like to say? 

Man love what you do , love the people who deserve love around u and love yourself. That’s what makes life worth it. And go get my mf tape Arcadence


Twitter:Tre Defon



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