Get to know: Earl Adamant Allen


Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Hammond Indiana

Whats it like growing up where your from?
Growing up in Hammond Indiana was good. Everyone knew each other pretty much. The majority of my family lived near each other. I always stayed busy playing basketball, helping out my family with whatever they needed assistance with along with maintaining a job to stay out of negativity.

How did you get into music?
I began writing poetry in high school. As I got older I transitioned to crafting hip hop music. I am a huge fan of battle rap. As a kid I looked forward to watching freestyle Friday on B.E.T.

What is it that you do?
I am a supervisor at a residential treatment facility. I have been working with Juveniles for four years. I love being able to make a difference in their lives.

What are your goals?
My goals are to develop my brand, learn more about being an entrepreneur, networking with other artist along with touring.

What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on EP titled “Young Man Old Soul”
The project will consist of 6 heartfelt tracks

How do you feel about the current state of HipHop?
I believe the current state of hip hop is encouraging youth that with the right mindset, resources and skills aspiring artist can become established artist in this industry

Anything you would like to say?
To all the aspiring musicians I would like to say continuing to educate ourselves, being a positive role model, supporting other artist along with crafting music with substance are steps towards a rewarding career.

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