Geter HD is a new artist from the streets of Baltimore. Everybody knows Bmore is nothing to play with.. and neither is Geter. Getting his start in music by playing around, it didn’t take long before he started taking it serious. We got to link with Geter and get to know more about the guy behind the music. Check out our full Q&A below.
Explain who you are for those who may not know
im just a young nigga that expresses himself & tells his story thru music
Where you from?
Im from Cherry Hill Projects, the Southside of Baltimore
How did you get your start in music?
I got my start and music from just bullshitting around and then i noticed that i could really make somethimg of it. Its been a wrap ever since
How long have you been making it?
I been making music for 7 years now
Who are your influences?
I dont really have no famous influences or nothing like that so i would have to say my niggas and my family is the biggest influences i have rn
What motivates you?
my mom lol
What are you currently working on?
im working on my first mixtape ever, Cant Rush Greatness. I know you prolly thinking “damn this nigga been rapping for 7 years and he aint drop a tape yet” lol yeah i know but even i cant rush greatness
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself AND all my niggas living our best lives
What is your opinion on the current hiphop scene?
The current hip hop scene is fucking weird bro lol its a few gems but other than that i cant get jiggy with it
Anything else you would like to say?
Free DeeBoyHD

Follow on Twitter: @DreamTeam_Geter