Get to know: HT Playa

Explain who you are for those who don’t know

My name is HT Playa I’m a rapper from New York I moved to Cleveland ohio and I’ve been living in Cleveland for the past 5 years. I’m the 2016 unite cle champion. I put my all into my craft and I’m just happy to have beaten all my legal troubles and be able to focus on my future and my craft !


How did you come up with your name?

Well HT stands for hot topic or hypertension depending what mood I’m in when I’m in hot topic mode I’m feeling really cocky and I feel like everybody’s talking about me when I’m in hypertension mode I can get aggressive to the point where I feel there’s not enough people talking about me and I feel like I’m being overlooked that’s when I go the extra mile. And the Playa portion of my name really all that means is I play the game whatever the situation I never get mad at the game I just play the cards I’m dealt

Whats it like growing up where your from?

Well I got to view 2 sides of the spectrum I lived closer to wyandanch but I went to north babylon high school now north Babylon was cool more of a high school town one of those towns that no one seems to leave but wyandanch is one of the most economically distressed communities on Long Island and there was always a lot goin on in the area a lot that could pull you off track ,gang activity , drug dealin and I’m not gonna lie I’ve had my fair share of charges im just blessed to have made it past that drama.

How did you get into music?

I got into music at an early age when my grandfather introduced me to jazz music I played instruments and it helped me later on in life with my melodies and timing. I started off just battle rappin tho for sport in the cafeteria you know just trying to be loud and obnoxious but I started taking it seriously after I made my first song and realized I had a real passion for it.

What makes you different than other artists

I feel like my versatility makes me different on one song I can sound dark and gutter then on the next I can sound like I’m singing like I have no worries you really don’t know what to expect from me and I think people will appreciate that they can tell I have real moods and vibes and it’s not the same thing over and over again

What are you currently working on

I’m currently working on an ep I’m gonna call it “Time for greatness” and I’m looking to shoot a music video in the very near future

Anything you would like to say? 

I go by the name HT Playa guaranteed that you’ll love me and my music just give me a listen you won’t be disappointed that much I can tell you !

Social media
Snapchat: htplaya 
Instagram : @htplaya

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