Get to know: @KTAxSPACEMAN

KTA The Spaceman is a 19 year old artist from Modesto, California. He’s always loved music and started really recording himself towards the end of his freshman year of high school. He loves music and wants to share good vibes and change the world with his sound. He really loves Space because it is limitless like his potential and abilities. 


We recently got a chance to sit down with him for an exclusive Q&A. Check it out below: 

I’m a 19 year old music addict. I’m in love with space because of the endlessness and mystery, I don’t know, i’ve always just had a thing for it. The first thing I ever wanted to do was be a scientist/astronomer. I want to change the world for the better and spread good vibes and love and happiness with my sound.

I use my platform to speak about what matters. I want to stand out and inspire people to follow their dreams because i’m following mine and i’m showing you it’s possible as i continue down this path. I’ve always loved music, i love sound, the bass, vibrations, everything. It’s the best art out there and can be perceived in several different ways depending on the listener.

I want to make music that all people can enjoy and spread the feeling i get when i’m creating my art, with my fans. I’m so happy to be told I am changing lives and inspiring that makes me so happy. This is my passion and I would honestly do it for free. I’m open to any and all ideas and creations because i know id want people to check out my ideas and creations.

My first album i remember falling in love with is Doggystyle by Snoop Dogg. My first favorite top 3 artists were Michael Jackson, Ja Rule, and Eminem. Now my inspirations are Kendrick Lamar, A$AP Rocky, Vic Mensa, Chance and several more that i look up to. And to my fans, please do what makes you happy. I quit doing what people wanted me to do and did things my way and positive results followed. Don’t settle for less or believe that you cannot succeed. Obstacles were made to be overcome.

Stream some of his music below: 

Stay Tuned

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