Indy Spotlight: Chad Nelson

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Explain who you are for those who don’t know
Who I am: My name is Chad Nelson and I’m an up and coming 16 year old rapper from New Jersey.

How did you come up with your name?
My name: Unlike most new artists in today’s age, I don’t like hiding who I am behind a stage name. I decided to keep my stage name my real name in hopes of showing people who I really am through my lyrics and unique style of rap.

Where are you from?
Where I’m from: I was born and raised in Trenton, NJ, and moved out at age 8 and I now live in Burlington County, NJ.

Whats it like growing up where your from?
Growing up in NJ: Fortunately I was raised in a better area of Trenton/Hamilton where violence was not as prevalent, and eventually when my parents and I moved out life became a bit easier, and I am forever blessed to have grown up with parents who have kept me out of harm’s way.

How did you get into music?
Getting into music: My path towards music is unlike most stories, and I’m happy because it can somewhat separate me from most artists. I started writing music as a joke in 8th grade, using remixes of famous songs to make fun of teachers, friends, political figures (in jest of course) and it caught on and people liked my natural flow and ability to write clever metaphors at a young age. When I got to high school, I never had the same desire to continue writing until early Freshman year when a kid from a rival school wrote a diss towards our school. Me being the idiot and know it all freshman rapper, I decided to write a diss back. It’s funny because only like 50 people actually heard it. It wasn’t all that good, but people seemed to dig my rapping so I held my head high for a while. Then during that same year I heard a song that inspired me to write again and it took off from there. I started telling people I was dropping a mixtape but no one took me seriously. But then once it dropped in August 2016 I opened a lot of ears and eyes. Then I topped it off with several SoundCloud singles and my major project “Written Scriptures 2.0” which dropped on iTunes and Spotify and currently has a 5 star rating out of 23 reviews. Blessed is an understatement..

What makes you different than other artists?
What makes me different: My ability to write music using clever metaphors, storytelling, clean verses and catchy hooks, I believe, make me an artist that can hopefully be recognized. I respect all those who are famous and putting in the work and time and make it big for what they represent, but I feel that most music, specifically our beloved trap artists, does too much of degrading women, drug talk, etc. I understand and appreciate the fact that our culture as a whole is changing with time, but I also feel that our society, in general, has lost what rap is really about sometimes. Not a statement of fact, but it’s just how I feel, and you can hear it in my music if you pay attention to detail.

What are you currently working on?
Current works: I just dropped my first EP “TwoThirds” this past June and I’ve been hard at work on my 2nd official album in which the name of it is to be determined. I’m hoping the next project brings every piece of music I’ve ever put out come full circle, and shows people a brutal sense about who I am, what I represent, and how I truly feel about life’s many topics. I can’t wait to complete it and share it with the support group that I currently am beyond grateful to have.

Anything you would like to say? 
iTunes: Written Scriptures 2.0 by Chad Nelson
TwoThirds – EP by Chad Nelson

These are also on all other major music platforms except SoundCloud.


Instagram: @_chadnelson_

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