Tommy Swisher Drops First “The Moon”

Tommy Swisher is a 21 year old male artist from East St Louis, Illinois. Of all the young artists out right now Tommy’s music stands in its own lane. Today he releases “The Moon” the first soundtrack from his upcoming project “Runway To The Moon” which is now available for pre-order on iTunes & Apple Music. This song sounds like an open letter from Tommy to God perfectly placed over a beat produced by Germ. Tommy explains how life is just now becoming real to him & is asking God to carry him away, to somewhere better, to somewhere familiar, to the moon again. This song is a really beautiful creation that you can tell came from a genuine place deep in the artists heart. Literally you can hear it towards the end where he starts to sing “Lord help me fly to the Moon” . This song to me, though Tommy has a really wide & diverse catalog of music, is a great back up to Tommy’s song “VSNARY”. I’m really looking forward to this new project which is expected to release January 17, 2017. Be on the lookout for this mid-west artist & anything he has coming up.

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