Get to know: FMG TWEEZY

New artists run the game. Every year we watch artists with no name become something huge. Usually, you can always tell when an artist is going to do big things. We got that vibe from Tweezy as soon as we connected. We even got the chance to chat with him and get to know the man behind the music. Read below and be sure to keep your eyes open for him. 

What does hip hop mean to you?
Hip Hop has been a voice for aspects of life. My sound is derived from all the struggles & hardships that made me who I am as an artist.

How did you get your start in music?
I was 17 rapping with my big cousin Deangelo. It came natural to me. It’s a process. Honing into your craft. Understanding your sound.

How long have you been making it?
I always loved writing raps, but in the last few years I’ve been consistently pushing myself to get my talent out there. Cutting music videos. Spending hours in the booth  pushing out song after song. Now ope in for different artist.

 Who are your influences?
PAC & Biggie are 2 of the greatest, but I relate a lot to lil Durk. His sound speaks to me.

 What motivates you?
Family is first and foremost. Success is 2nd

What are you currently working on? 
My mix tape no excuses  .. I definitely got some. Hot joints on there. My sound is versatile. It’s a reflection of my growing as an artist.

Anything else you’d like to share?
I’m not just a artist.. I’m a movement!
Follow me on SoundCloud FMG TWEEZY instagram @filthyboytweezy…

Stay tuned 

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