Get to know: Wells


Explain who you are for those who don’t know
Wells is a passionate artist. Still growing so I can’t give a defiant answer of who I am really. But I’m a solid person. With the standard not so standard beliefs and rules as a man, making sure my fam straight really all that matters.

How did you come up with your name?
I didn’t actually didn’t come up with it. A friend of mines started calling me Wells in high school. It was my senior year she first called me that and round that time I was thinking of a name long and hard, then one day before class she called me wells. So I just ran with it.
Where are you from? New Orleans. The westside, when you going over the bridge coming from downtown you’ll see a circle hotel to your right and behind there is my neighborhood.

Whats it like growing up where your from?
Ruff but not so. Having my own money was my biggest issue. I been blessed enough to have a roof and 3 meals but it damn sure wasn’t easy for me.

How did you get into music?
I always loved to listen to it. I never really thought about making music until after a Wayne concert. I was playing football at the time so that dream went away maybe a week after. But when my cousin visited from Tampa over the holiday break my freshman year in high school. He told me about how he and his potna been making music and performing. We had a rap battle after he showed me how to count and write bars. Naturally as his cousin he let me record some songs once we got to Tampa Bay.

What makes you different than other artists?
I’m genuine. I feel music today isn’t what it could be, or even some people say it should be.
These times don’t deserve a filter. And I most definitely won’t add one, especially being the type of person I am. What’s wrong is wrong and what’s right is right and being who I am, I just have to speak on it. And that’s what I feel has  been belated in the game.

What are you currently working on?
My debut album!!! Now I have the time to actually sit all day and night to work on it, so the process is much smoother now.

Anything you would like to say? 
Keep y’all ears and eyes open, I won’t let ya down. Trust and believe.

Stay tuned 

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