Mama Wop Talks Jimmy Wopo Life, Death, His Music Being Held Hostage, Unreleased Music and More!!!!

Jimmy Wopo’s mom links with Hip Hops Revival for an exclusive interview. Mama Wop talks her sons life, how he get got his start in music, how she discovered his talent, his cult like following, his little brother (Baby Jway) rapping in honor of him, being a teachers pet up until 7th grade, seeing himself in the youth and giving back to his community, using his music as a way out, influencing and empowering kids after his death, the 2nd annual celebration of his life, (Comedian) Mike Epps showing love to Jimmy and family, what she’s doing to help young artists in Pittsburgh, keeping his clothing line going, his unreleased music, not getting responses from 1 of several distribution labels, his so called friends not really being true friends, & more!

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